Saturday, May 22, 2010

Fish, Bike, and Kaia

Pet Fish Update: Bonnie joined her pal George Washington last night. Rusty shed a few tears as Nate flushed her down the toilet but quickly recovered with a game of Super Mario Brothers.

Family Bike Ride: About 10 minutes into our bike ride, I popped both of my tires - I really don't like sticker bushes! Nate was kind enough to pedal the kids back home and get the car to come and pick me up. All of Nate's pedaling tuckered Rusty and Kaia out.

Seven Months: It's hard to believe Kaia is 7 months. She is getting so big (not really, but she is gaining and is almost up to 11.5 pounds!) She likes to eat rice cereal with apples, bananas, pears, rice puffs, strawberries, bread, animal crackers, amoxicillin and strongly dislikes all vegetables so far. She's pretty quick at rolling and army crawling but luckily we haven't had to put up the baby gates yet. Mamamama is her favorite babble and she tends to scream it in the middle of the night. Rusty is still enjoying his little sister and was pretty upset that I wouldn't let him pack her in his packback for show & tell last week.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

4 Days

That's how long Rusty's first pet fish survived. He was a little sad but learned his lesson and won't feed the surviving fish so much food, even though it's fun. I'll be surprised if fish #2 makes it through the weekend.


"Maybe you should stop taking pictures of her - I don't think she likes it?!" Thanks for the advice Rusty!