Kaia weighs 13 pounds! She's still in the 0% percentile for weight and height but even the doctor commented on how much she's "filled out".
Besides eating, Kaia's also into sticking out her tongue and standing.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Huge Progress
Posted by Devon at 3:49 PM 5 comments
Friday, July 16, 2010
Posted by Devon at 3:32 PM 2 comments
Kayak = Strep Throat = Sleepovers
So my bro and his wife bought some kayak's. My parents soon followed and bought some too. We didn't buy any but went up to Kazi's with them the other weekend to try them out and had a good time. It was kinda hot while we were there so Rusty was super kind and shared his drink with the cousins, then broke out in a fever later that night which was the start of strep throat. Luckily he only shared the strep with me. He was pretty sick though and got the strep rash but never once complained about his throat hurting - don't let the whining fool you cause he's actually a pretty tough kid. About a week into the amoxicllin he broke out in another rash so we took him back to the doctors and found out he is allergic to penicillin and has a concerning heart murmur.
Next stop was an echocardiogram to make sure his heart was ok, but by this point he was done with the doctors and did not want to go...so I pulled out my super amazing parenting skills and brought on the bribes. Rusty and my cute nephew Titan have been wanting to have a sleepover FOREVER (ahh the life of a 4 year old) so I took advantage of this and offered a sleepover in exchange for Rusty being good all week and getting his heart checked out. Of course it worked because whoever said you shouldn't bribe your kids obviously never had a child of their own.
Thursday night he made up some manly invitations for Titan, Brody, Caden, and Jack and waited ever so patiently for the good times to begin. Friday came and they had the "THE BEST SLEEP OVER EVER!"
Life lesson: if your brother's cool and buys kayaks watch out because you'll end up sucking it up at the MS Bike Ride (that's a whole other story) as well as having a house full of screaming, but oh so cute, boys! Now onto the pictures:
Absolutely nothing to do with this post, but we went to Mount Rushmore over Memorial Day Weekend and here's part 1 of Rusty's video diary about it...
Posted by Devon at 1:50 PM 2 comments