Rusty just finished swim lessons and did an excellent job. I was surprised how much he learned and was willing to try. I remember when I use to teach lessons how annoying it was when parents would try to coach their kids from the side and swore I would never do that. Of course the very first day I caught myself yelling, "Tummy up Rusty!" or "Tuck your chin!" Despite his embarassing mom, he had a great time and I'm glad my mom signed the boys up!
10 years ago
Oh my goodness...he is such a cute little swimmer!
Devon-he is good! Josh won't even blow bubbles yet.
Caden won't get in the swimming pool, but he thinks it's fun to spray himself in the face with the hose. Weird little boy!
You forgot to mention that Rusty took these marvelous swim lessons at the Clearfield Aquatic Center. There are lots of openings in the morning lessons this fall.
I was hoping to find some new pictures here. We've had a sick boy at our house, so we haven't been able to visit. I hope to see you soon!
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