*We went to the zoo a few weeks ago and Titan wanted his picture taken with the gorilla, so this is for Titan.
Brody and Rusty, the food loving cousins.
Brody and Rusty, the food loving cousins.
Posted by Devon at 4:46 AM 8 comments
Rusty "helped" me make some cute turkey cookies for his friends and the ladies I visit teach. Thanks for the idea Melissa!
Posted by Devon at 4:00 PM 5 comments
Here are a few pictures from one of my mom's most stressful work days of the year, but a lot of fun for us:
Posted by Devon at 5:04 PM 3 comments
I was pretty shocked to wake up to so much snow this morning, but at the same time very excited. This will be the first winter since I was pregnant with Rusty that we will hopefully be able to do a lot of snowboarding/skiing as a family. Rusty is already asking for his own snowboard or ski's, so we'll just have to wait and see what Santa brings him.
Posted by Devon at 1:28 PM 8 comments
Posted by Devon at 7:02 PM 4 comments
Rusty went to his first friend birthday party on Saturday and had so much fun. Emilio and Rusty are best buds in nursery and sacrament meeting and always have fun hanging out. It's so cute to hear my little red-head say "Emilio" - it reminds me of a Night at the Roxbury.
Happy Birthday Emilio!
Posted by Devon at 8:04 PM 1 comments
I came home from the store last night and cute little Rusty fell asleep in my bed reading stories to Curious George. Now I know why my parents have so many pictures of us sleeping as kids!
Posted by Devon at 9:20 AM 5 comments
We finally got new carpet - YEAH!!! During the install Rusty and I got stuck in our kitchen for a couple of hours giving me lots of time to think while tuning out Bob the Builder and the "super cool" music the installers had going - if I never hear another tuba again, I won't complain. During this time I realized what a charmed, okay fabulous, life Mrs. Brady had. Think about it, her only job was to be a mom and be able to say, "Oh Mike". Not too hard if you ask me. But then I started to think about why her life was so good and realized it was because of Alice. They always portrayed Alice to be so happy, and maybe she was, but lets face it - her job/life was kind of crappy. She had to wear the same hideous outfit every day, cook with lard, listen to 8 people whine about their lives and then do all of their laundry! As if this wasn't enough, she was in a dead-end relationship with Sam the Butcher who just couldn't commit. Poor, sweet Alice. I've always loved the Brady Bunch (you can watch it Monday-Friday at 5:30 on KBYU, the movies are pretty funny too) but I now have a special appreciation for all the Alice's in the world - those who can make the worst situation look glamorous. Rock on Alice!
Posted by Devon at 5:21 PM 5 comments
Posted by Devon at 5:12 PM 4 comments
Here's what Rusty, aka Nate Junior's been up to lately...
Posted by Devon at 4:44 PM 2 comments